What is my mission for you?
Children On a Mission aims to help you rebirth your talents and gifts that are within, by educating, inspiring, and enriching your character. I will help you build your self-esteem and self confidence, guide you into making better decisions and set healthy boundaries through building resilience and making your dreams come true.
I believe everyone has a voice that deserves to be heard! Children On a Mission Life Coaching Program will listen to your voice. I will focus on empowering our generation to become mindful, successful, and confident individuals.
Specializing in Self-Development & Life Coaching for All
Are you ready to be your best self? Unsure of where to start? Children on a Mission Life Coaching can help. Through Cynthia’s professional experience, she has:
Served over 100+ families
Developed workshops for coaching and personal development
Personalized services to benefit children’s unique set of needs